Birmazüchter / Vereine & Clubs
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Federation Internationale Féline (FIFé)
Birma Club Deutschland
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF)
The Birman Cat Club-UK
Cat Fanciers Association (CFA)
The GCCF Supreme Show
The International Cat Association (TICA)
National Birman Fanciers, CFA breed club
1.DEKZV e.V.(FIFé, Germany)
Birman Cat Club of New Zealand
Felikat (FIFé, Netherlands)
Mundikat (FIFé, Netherlands)
KKÖ (FIFé, Austria)
ANFI (FIFé, Italy)
Lux Cat Club (FIFé, Luxemburg)
Sverak (FIFé, Sweden)
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